Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Digital FootPrint #3

Digital Advice

Think twice before you send.

Digital FootPrint #2

When logging off a website does it erase your digital footprint?

When logging off a website your digital foot print is saved it don't erase because it saves automatically, for example when I used google drive and i'm typing up my work an I exit out it saves.

Digital FootPrint #1

Jones Jaden
May 2017

Digital Footprint

What is a digital footprint?

A digital footprint is some type of information you leave behind it's something important like the information about a particular person that exists on the Internet as a result of their online activity for example when I type up work on google drive and I exit out without updating it update and saves automatically

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Post #3(Elements)

How can you use a blog in your life?
There are many ways you can use a blog in your life you can use it for a business you wanna get out there.

Post #2(Steps)

What steps do you take to create a blog?
Step 1: Know WHY you want to start a blog.
Step 2: Decide WHAT your blog will focus on.
Step 3: Decide WHICH of the blogging platforms you'll use.
Step 4: Decide which web host to use
Step 5: Learn to Add Posts and Pages

Post #1

What is a blog?

A blog is a website that you can use to communicate with people or too get your business out.

Monday, March 20, 2017


Welcome viewers to my educational e-Portfolio. In my e-Portfolio I have collected work from my best classes. I would like to share my best pieces of work with you from the pass 6 months. I hope you enjoyed visiting my blog.